I’ve read a lot of great books lately. Like so good you should drop that meh book that you’re reading and pick up one of these. I think I’ve just been lucky or something but these last string have been winners. If you tend to have similar tastes in books as me you could probably just point at any of these pick it up and be happy. Yup I liked them all THAT much.
You can read the official description of each of these stories by clicking on the cover picture or title of each book below. If you aren’t already joining along with my weekly Reading Roll Call on Instagram I hope you’ll start! Every week I share what I’m currently reading and listening to and have people comment with what books they are reading too. It’s a fun way to connect with other book nerds and get more ideas of books to read!
Trial of Fire
Alternate realities. Cute boys. Royalty. Political corruption. Awesome characters. Super interesting and unique story. Historical tie ins (Salem witch trials). Kids with powers. Dimension travel.
I adored this book. ADORED IT!!!! You should go find it and read it. It was so so so good. If you like fantasy in a powers and magic kind of sense with some good characters you’ll love this. Very different than Girl of Fire and Thorns but I think fans of those books would like these.
An Ember in the
Fighting. Trials. Great friendships. Honest struggles with identity and destiny. Violence (but not gratuitous). Good and Evil.
This book was so unique I really enjoyed it. But be warned it’s a violent one and lots of people die. Lots. But this is coming from someone who is a wimp when it comes to violence and gore. I trust my sister who tells me I could not handle Game of Thorns and after trying a few episodes of Breaking Bad I deemed it not for me. An Ember in the Ashes while violent is still definitely YA appropriate. It reminded me in great ways of The Hunger Games and Harry Potter while being uniquely something different. Go read it…now.
Emmy & Oliver
Reunion. Overprotective parents. Hiding who you really are. Friendships. Honest conversations. Kids who have to deal with hard stuff. Summer and beaches. Cute romance.
I really liked this book about childhood friends who were separated when one was abducted by his own father. They were best friends and after not seeing each other since early elementary school Oliver has been found and is back. Back with his mom and two new little half sisters and step dad that he’s never met. And obviously all the baggage from being kidnapped. But Oliver wasn’t the only one affected by the kidnapping. It’s serious set up but such a cute story. While moments are intense I still think it’s a perfect lighter Summer read. If you like Kasie West’s books (they are ALL good) you should check this out.
The Heir
Royalty. Political unrest. Castle life. Lots of very boys with very different personalities. Twists. Personal growth self reflection.
This is book 4 in the Selection series. It centers around the daughter of the characters in the last books. So a new generation of royalty trying to find a mate. But Crown Princess Eadlyn is kind of a spoiled brat. She’s entitled and elitist and a bit self centered. Even still I found myself totally rooting for her. I did not expect to like this series as much as I did. While I don’t think you need to read the first 3 books for this one to make sense, they are good and fun so if you’re even interested in this one start with The Selection. And if you’re already a fan of The Selection you are sure to enjoy this!
Extraordinary Means
Sick kids quarantined but it’s more like camp than boarding school. Health monitors. Fun friendships. Smart characters. Misfits. Totally diverse casts that doesn’t feel like it’s trying too hard. Unique story.
Think Looking for Alaska‘s feel of the camp setting and sassy fun friends meets The Fault in Our Stars kids with serious illness (but this time they are contagious) and you’ve got an inkling of this book. It was fun. It was smart. It was just want I wanted to read in the Summer. But be warned it takes place that’s part hospital and part boarding school where the kids are sent because they are very sick. There is death and hard topics but it’s in general a lighter fun book.
Let’s connect! You can also find me hanging out here.
Harini says
An Ember in the Ashes is on my TBR. I will add rest of the books to the pile too.
marissa says
go read it now. it was sooooooooooooo good.
Rachel @ Engineering A Joyful Family says
I have been meaning to get back into reading lately and wasn’t sure where to start– thank you for the great suggestions!